

報名截止日期:2014年8月15日 。不費一分一亳,還有人工!





  1. 你家人對你讀護士課程有什麼意見?
  2. 你對護士有何印象?
  3. 現時很多人覺得護士很粗魯,你意見如何
  4. 你覺得你有什麽特質可以做到一個好護士?
  5. 為什麽現很多人認為護士是女性的職業?
  6. 你覺得男生做護士有什麽優點?你覺得自己比男護士優勝嗎?
  7. what is your expectation of this program?
  8. what is the role and responsibility as a nurse should carry ?
  9. Do u think u are suitable to be a nurse ?
  10. What do you cook for the elderly?

  1. 香港現時發展醫療旅遊的可行性
  2. 近年有很多醫療事故發生,試探討其原因和改善方法
  3. 你認為護士有什麽道德遵要守同有什麽質?
  4. 在香港如何推動器官捐贈
  5. 你贊成大腸癌篩查嗎
  6. 護士是否醫生的助手
  7. 學歷與能力,哪樣比較重要


2015 年普通科護理學高級文憑(登記護士)課程招生

 2015 年普通科護理學高級文憑(登記護士)課程招生

  • 修讀年期 : 兩年全日制 (包括理論及臨床實習) 
  • 開課日期 : 2015 年 4 月 
  • 入學資格 : 英文、數學及 二個選修科目取獲「2」(英文科達「3」可獲優先考慮); 
  • 授課語言 : 以英文為主 
  • 學 費 : 兩年學費共港幣$110,000 元正
  • 報名日期 : 由 2014 年 7 月 14 日起至 2014 年 8 月 17 日 (以郵戳為準) 
  • 報名手續 : 在此下載申請表格 -->  郵寄 
  • 面試安排 : 面試日訂於 2014 年 9 月舉行 
  • 課程查詢 : 請瀏覽本院網頁www.hkbh.org.hk 或致電2339 4918 (浸信會醫院 護士學校) 


  • 共40名兩年制登記護士學生
  • 11月開課
  • 學費5萬元
  • 學生可獲每月1100元資助(=學費減半)
  • 收生基本要求是中五畢業、會考5科合格,中英文成績達D級或以上/Level 2 5 HKDES subjects
  • 招生期於8月15日結束


電話: 2608 6740 (葉小姐)
地址: 沙田大圍富健街18號
電郵: son.enquiry@union.org
網址: www.union.org

我要做護士 各大醫院面試攻略


法國EN:筆試->小組->個人->WAITING LIST
到試場又填多份差唔多既表 +身高&體重, 之後就開始做卷
-中作文100字:日本核故對生態既影響 (answer based on biology knowledge)
-數學:-+x/ 冇計數機

6個人一組, 人事部+護士學校校長+修女
-修女問 -住邊/塔咩車黎/要幾耐/ (主要想知你住得遠唔遠 P.S你住新界都好,吹到好快就黎到)
-開始討論: 啟德郵輪碼頭, 
-再問 -點解揀法國/法國比到你咩感覺 (宗教, 講到天主教有幾好, 修女有幾咁關心D病人)
-有冇D咩相關既經驗: 急救,etc
-仲報其他咩護士課程 (sure lar)

-普通傾計,修女問 -點解想做護士 -屋企人做咩工作 -其他護士學校有冇消息 -如果RN收你揀邊個 (我屋企好窮 冇錢 但你地有資助 所以RN收我我都唔揀)
-護士學校校長問: 身體程況/ 有冇拍拖 /男朋友讀書OR做野

P.S 要自費BODY CHECK, 買書, 制服, 得實習先有津貼 約6千



-校長問 -屋企情況 -傾下我DSE成績 -點解想做護士 -報左咩COURSE
-小組:校長話冇準備問題 , 自己討論 
-參觀LAB: 有一層係課堂 又有一層係LAB 

P.S 養和所有野都唔收錢 BODY CHECK, 制服讀緊書個個月(未實習) YR1都有 7千幾, YR2 8千, 讀完再比免息貸款 讀埋個DEGREE RN

HA 面試


英文答一條問題 冇限時 我知道有幾條既問題:

-能力定學歷重要 (各有各重要)

一定一定要去醫院做義工, 因為咁先有經歷, 同埋識得好多外人唔識既TERMS 面試果時達出黎
面試果陣唔好怕羞, 大膽D講自己既理想抱負, 反正都冇人笑  


醫管局註冊護士課程2014 - 15 課程現已公開招生


Applications are now open for admission to the:

Hospital Authority
Higher Diploma in Nursing
Last updated : 2 July, 2014    
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This programme is a 3-year full time Basic Nursing Programme leading to an award of Higher Diploma in Nursing.
Programme Aims, Structure and Mode of Study
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The programme aims to prepare graduates to become competent, caring professional nurses who have developed an understanding of the holistic nature of health, able to apply principles of nursing and demonstrate proficiency in caring for clients in the primary, secondary and tertiary level of health care settings.

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The programme is organized by the Hospital Authority (HA). Teaching will be mainly conducted in one of the following gazetted Registered Nurse Training Schools: (a) School of General Nursing, Caritas Medical Centre, (b) School of General Nursing, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, (c) School of General Nursing, Tuen Mun Hospital.

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The curriculum includes both theoretical component and clinical practicum in various HA hospitals and community settings.

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Medium of instruction is English (except the subject on Modern Chinese Medicine Nursing and Complementary Alternative Medicines) and supplemented with Chinese.

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On successful completion of the programme, graduates are eligible to apply for registration as Registered Nurses (General) with the Nursing Council of Hong Kong.

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(a)   (i)      Applicable to applicants with Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education   
Examination results
A minimum of 5 subjects in the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination, or equivalent, or any recognized qualification above. The 5 compulsory subjects required are:
I.       4 Core Subjects, with English Language and Chinese Language at Level 3 or above, and Mathematics and Liberal Studies at Level 2 or above; and
II.      Any one science subject from the following at level 2 or above: Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Combined Science, Integrated Science;
(ii)       Applicable to applicants with Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (HKCEE) results & Hong Kong Advanced Level Examination
(HKALE) results
I.        HKALE with Grade E in one subject, or HKALE (AS-Level) with Grade E in two subjects; and
II.      Passed 5 subjects in HKCEE, or equivalent, details are as below:
(i)         Any one subject at Grade C, and
(ii)       Compulsory subjects:
l   English Language (Syllabus B) at Grade D or above, or English Language (Syllabus A) at Grade B, or English Language at Level 3 (for HKCEE issued after 2007); and
l   Chinese Language/Chinese Literature at Grade E (at Level 2 for Chinese Language issued after 2007); and
l   Any one subject from the following at Grade E or above: Biology, Human Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics; and
l   Other subjects at Grade Eand

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(b)   having attained the age of 18 or above by the commencement of the training programmeand
(c)   Fluent in both written English and Chinese, and oral English and Cantonese.

Commencement Date of the Programme
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22 September 2014

How to Apply
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Application froms can be obtained from:

n   School of General Nursing, 2/F, Wai Oi Block, Caritas Medical Centre, 111 Wing Hong Street, Sham Shui Po, Kowloon, or

n   School of General NursingQueen Elizabeth Hospital30 Gascoigne RoadKowloon, or

n   School of General Nursing, Tuen Mun Hospital, Tsing Chung Koon Road, Tuen Mun, New Territories, or

download from the following link : Application Form for Higher Diploma in Nursing

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Please complete the form in English and print in BLOCK LETTER with black ball pen. The completed form together with the original application fee bank-in slip and copies of applicant’s academic certificates/ transcripts (and/or documentary proof of the equivalent) should reach the Joint Admission Centre for HA Higher Diploma in Nursing Programme (Address: School of General Nursing, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, 30 Gascoigne Road, Kowloon) on or before 21 July 2014 either by post (according to postmark) / in person (before 5:00 p.m. on 21 July 2014 – Hong Kong time).
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Eligible applicants would be invited for interview before 13 August 2014. Applicants who do not receive email by 13 August 2014 would consider their applications unsuccessful.

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Notification for interview (if any) and subsequent communication would be by e-mail.
Application Fee
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Application fee is HK$150 (non-refundable). Applicants are required to deposit the application fee directly to the following designated bank account:

Account Name:
Hospital Authority – Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Nanyang Commercial Bank Ltd
Account Number:

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The original bank-in slip with the payment of HK$150 should be submitted together with application form. Application will not be proceeded if original paid bank-in slip is not submitted.

Telephone Enquiries Hotline: from 3 July to 21 July 2014
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2300 6300
2300 6400
2300 6500
(Monday to Friday: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm)

Application Period
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3 July 2014  21 July 2014
Application Deadline
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21 July 2014 (postal date referred if submission by post)

Tuition Fees
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Total tuition fee for the Program is HK$84,000. Each successful applicant has to pay the tuition fee of HK$28,000 annually by 2 installments (HK$14,000 each).

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Details of the payment method would be provided to successful applicants.

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Tuition fee paid will not be refunded.

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Successful candidates will be required to complete a health check at their own cost before clinical training.

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Students enrolled in this programme will have full student status and they will not receive any monetary reward from the Hospital Authority.

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Students are required to wear uniform during clinical placement (students need to buy the uniforms at their own cost).

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Students are required to purchase their own personal insurance coverage at their own cost.

Financial Assistance
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Students enrolled in this programme may apply the following financial assistance from the Student Financial Assistance Agency, the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region:
l   Financial Assistance Scheme for Post-secondary Students  or
l   Non-means-tested Loan Scheme
For details, please visit the website: http://www.sfaa.gov.hk/ or telephone enquiry hotline: 2802 2345.

reference : http://www3.ha.org.hk/nursing/hahdnursing_1415.htm